Back Hernia
The spinal discs or intervertebral discs are a type of cartilage that can be found between each of the spinal bones, except for Atlas and Axis vertebrae. It is a soft jelly-like substances held in place by fibrous tissue. Think of it like a jelly donut with a soft inner core and a tough outer layer. The discs provide space between the bones (a bit like a cushion) so that spinal nerves can exit the space between each of the spinal bones known as the foramens.
Although a slipped disc has become a popular phrase. The disc can
1 bulge,
2 protrude,
3 tear
4 or herniate.
Symptoms of a bulging disc or hernia include:
- Tingling in the legs or arms
- Muscle weakness
- Numbness in legs or arms
- Changes in bladder or bowel function
- Radiating pain down arms or legs
- Pain when moving
The symptoms are dependent on where the hernia is and a Chiropractor at ONE Chiropractic Studio can help you find where that is. Lifting objects, slips, falls, cleaning, and car accidents among other traumas are all common ways that the disc bulges or herniates. Traditional medical management of disc conditions include pain medications and eventually surgery.
Chiropractic forms a more conservative approach. A series of spinal adjustments can often help restore normal function. Our natural approach avoids risks, costs and unpredictable outcomes associated with surgery. If you are suffering from back pain, your worry may be a bulging disc; discuss it further with a chiropractor at ONE Chiropractic.