
Plans & Pricing

We make staying healthy affordable and convenient

Single visits

An affordable and flexible option that makes it easy to pay on the go.
chiropractor posture check

First consultation


Includes Insight Scans
Intake Consultation
Digital Posture Exam
Neurological examination
Chiropractic examination
chiropractor one studio pricing

Following consultations


Regular chiropractic adjustments
chiropractor children

(single visits)


1 visit €50

Package deal

Fixed number of visits.

12 visits Youth


chiropractor wellness



+1 revision included
chiropractie utrecht amsterdam haarlem den haag arnhem rotterdam


Different insurers cover different insurance plans. Chiropractic is reimbursed from the supplementary insurance and that this does not affect the co-payment.
We provide a receipt which has a the necessary information that your insurer need to provide you with a reimbursement of services. We can only issue details of services given.
When in doubt, consult your health insurance provider directly. For health insurance reimbursement purposes, we issue invoices upon payment.

Frequently asked questions

About chiropractic

  • Do I need a referral from my physician?

    No, you do not need a referral from your physician to be eligible for reimbursement of treatment costs. Chiropractic is reimbursed from the supplementary insurance and that this does not affect the co-payment. If in doubt, we recommend you to consult your insurance policy.

    Click here for more information on Fees & Insurance.

  • Is chiropractic safe?

    Extensive research has shown chiropractic to be safe for adults and as well as for children. Our ONE approach has a structure of a light touch, which is also developed especially to find the technique that best suits you.

    Chiropractors undergo five years of specific and general health care training. Part of our training focuses on general anatomy, neurology, philosophy, as well as specific spinal clinical presentations, spinal imaging and practical experience in a clinical setting. Our chiropractors are the best in the field and take your health very seriously. You are in safe hands at ONE Chiropractic Studio.

  • Can I make an appointment right away?

    With us, you can easily book an appointment so you can get in touch quickly. When you first com in, we’ll take the time for an intake consultation, where we look at who you are, do an examination of your body and listen to your complaints and wishes. Then we will explore how we can best help you and create a treatment plan together. If we don’t think we can help you, that first consultation is free.

  • Does the treatment hurt?

    You may feel something briefly during the treatment, but this is mainly a sign that your body is working to dissolve a blockage. People who come to us for treatment often notice immediate relief of tension and feel more at ease in their own bodies. Often after a few adjustments we can experience increased energy, increased immune function, clarity of mind, improved mood and much more.


  • How long is the first session?

    The first visit will take approximately 45 minutes in total.

  • Cancellations

    Please call to cancel or re-schedule. We only accept changes or cancellations over the phone, and require at least 24 hours’ notice.


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“An amazing place, full of kind and professional people. I did it all and nothing has helped me with my back pain as they did. I’m a much happier person thanks to their care and support!”