These are the values we stand by

One chiropractic studio is founded with values that we we all stand for, this creates congruence way beyond the services we provide, we are a family. Every team member and our clients are part of a movement to change the way we relate to our own health.

We're ONE

We are all about the ONE. We are ONE Family, ONE movement, representing unity and simplicity in our values. ONE, symbolizes as a circle that everyone can be part of something bigger. We are as strong as the strength of every member of the circle.


ONE Values



Simplify, simplify, simplify! We have spent years studying what enhances the body’s to heal itself and we have simplified it so that you can get the benefits in the most direct way possible. From our business structure to the way we relate to our clients we keep it simple.



In our society we are becoming less and less connected to each other. We believe the world needs more connection to ourselves and to others. We connect to our communities and empower them to educate others about sustainable living. One Chiropractic Studio and its members is a sustainable healthcare movement.



We are a movement and as such we stand together for what we believe in; an inspired team of friends who focus on growing happy positive chiropractic for families in Netherlands. We know our work matters and we put our hearts and souls into moving as many families as possible towards their optimal potential.


We dream big and we take action. We don’t believe in limitations, unless they are created by our own beliefs. We truly enjoy thinking laterally, and destroying rules and best practices, when they get in the way of innovation.

We aim for MORE

Everyone should aim for More for themselves, so why shouldn’t we. We aim for more energy, vitality, happiness, improved function, health for our members.
It’s simple. What do you want MORE of?


We’re Entrepreneurial

We have a deeply-ingrained culture of independence and ownership. We are service driven, expansion focused. Our goal is to bring the the chiropractic experience to as many clients as possible. Our clients comes first, and the voice of every member it’s really important to us.


We Disrupt

We like to be the feral ONEs, we disrupt our industry and the healthcare system. We believe everyone should  understand that sustainable health comes from our own body’s ability to heal itself, from the inside-out. Babies, children and adults should have the opportunity to trust their body’s ability to express its maximum potential.


We believe in being dynamic and enjoying the ride. We believe that we are all unique and special, so we adapt to each individual. No wave is identical to the other, but they all have great potential for the ride.

We’re explorers

We love to explore where nobody has ever explored before. We believe we are all given the gift  to live healthy and in a sustainable way. Some countries have already found the value in preventative care, and our mission is to bring it to the world. It would be unethical for us to not to so. So come and see us in one of our chiropractic Studios.


We’re Transparent

We believe in transparency. We created the ‘8 Point Guarantee’ to give you as much transparency as possible in advance. Many families have decided to trust us with their chiropractic care. Transparency is one of our founding pillars.


We believe the ‘gifts’ come in the journey, both for us and for our members. We are ambitious, we left our comfort zone behind when we started this journey and ‘we are here for good’.

We’re Innovators

We believe in a new chiropractic model, which integrates with our lives sustainably. We have created our own One Circle of Life Approach ©, designed to maximize your health, vitality and potential.

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We’re Aim High

We think mediocrity is boring and so we set high goals for ourselves. Our long-term ambition is to be one of the greatest chiropractic companies in the world: it’s an incredibly difficult goal, but the journey is unspeakably exciting, and if you’re patient to make big things happen, in your health and the healthcare field this is the place for you!

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We Stand together

We are a movement and as such we stand together. Just like climbers help each others during the ascent, our community is empowered to reach higher levels of health and potential. So what goal do you want to set for yourself?

We're ONErs

We can clearly say that everything began with that adjustment in September,1985 given to Harvey Lillard, we all know the story. We believed that Chiropractic has come a long way since that first adjustment, yet we know, that to this date, our profession still sits on unmatched potential. Potential to help humanity live better lives and reach a new potential, by navigating this world through unsubluxated spines and clear nervous systems. ONE chiropractic Studio was born from the Principle that everyone should have access to life changing adjustments, anytime and anywhere. We believe we are all given the gift to live healthy and in a sustainable way. Some countries have already found the value in preventative care through chiropractic, and our mission is to bring it to the world. It would be unethical for us to not to so. The healthcare system is changing and it’s up to us to show people a new sustainable health movement.

Just like any other company, ONE chiropractic studio was first sketched on a napkin in an noisy and busy Cafe in Auckland, New Zealand (2017). From there the concept went through an incubation process which generated the One Circle of Life ApproachMission, and Vision of the company.

One Chiropractic Study was officially registered as a company on the 14th of March 2019 in Harleem, Netherlands. The founders of the company are Max Gregor Smith and Francesco Ferrero.